TeamKeto Warrior Manifesto
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Download and Print Regular Version
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Introducing... your new identity! TeamKeto Warriors say hello to the you 2.0!!!
This is your TeamKeto Warrior Manifesto—it embodies what it means to be the TeamKeto Warrior that is inside of each one of you!
It also is what we believe at TeamKeto and what we're all about!
I've attached a picture of the TeamKeto Warrior Manifesto and a shorter version for your phone screensaver.
As part of your commitment to becoming the new you, we want you to...
#1 Download and Print this Manifesto and hang it somewhere you will see it every day (e.g. refrigerator, bathroom mirror, next to your bed, wherever is best for you)!
#2 Then, take a picture of yourself with your manifesto and share it with all of us in the facebook group, with the hashtag TeamKetoWarrior (#TeamKetoWarrior).
#3 Also, add it to your phone wallpaper! We want you to see this every day to remind yourself of your goals and infinite potential.
If you did this, screenshot and show us in the Facebook group!
We are excited to help you achieve your goals. TeamKeto on, Warriors!